Friday, May 22, 2009


hmmmm udah lama juga ya gue ngga nge-update blog, ada beberapa cerita siih, (yang btw ngga ada yg penting, hehe) goes nothing !

(the one in the middle) I. Love. This. Guy. !!!!!!1!!!
He has a very sweet tone of voice, not to mention he's sooo easy on the eyes, and very very humble ♥ liat aja tuh difoto, he didnt even think he had a chance of winning against Adam, but HE DID ! Pure shocked face; what a masterpiece :p

its kind of a surprise, to me atleast, karena kan kita semua mikir 'ah pasti Adam lah! semua orang suka Adam...' bla3. Tapi ternyata NGGAK ! SEMUA ORANG SUKA KRIS !! Yeaaaaaayy!

Sehari sebelumnya, pas gue nonton performancenya gitu, gue kyk kesenengan sendiri gitu kan, dan agak2 deg2an gitu :p kan 3x nyanyi, round 1 goes to Kris (yay!), 2nd round goes to Adam (expected)...jadi kan round 3 bnr2 kyk tie-breaker gitu kaannnnnn. terus di round 3 kan mereka nyanyi yg lagu.."no boundaries" (?) yah apapun, yg original song itu, terus entah kenapaaaaaa pas gue liat performance-nya Kris gue mikir "ih kayak winning performance deh," maksudnya its like one of those encore performances that u do when u win gitu..and i was right! (eventually, hehe)

Besoknyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. gue kan udah berniat dengan sepenuh hati bahwa i want NO spoilers. NONE. Tapiiii ternyata seluruh Jakarta ngga ada yg setuju sama gue. huh. Pagi2, gue buka fb kan, tiba2 di statusnya ada yg nulis "Adam Lambert kalah". pas itu gue masih biasa aja, gue mikirnya "yah mungkin dia lagi pengen Adam Lambert kalah," ato gimana lah. Terus gue turun kan yah, ketemu Opa Oma gue dong tentunya, terus oma gue langsung "Dita! Congratulations! American -- ...." DAMN. Meskipun ngomongnya blm selesai, *karena gue udh nutup kuping dan bilang ngga mau tau dulu* tapi kan udah tertebak kata2 selanjutnya apa. Karena Oma gue tau persis gue mendukung Kris, sedangkan Oma mendukung Adam. Yes, Oma gue gaul pisan euy, hahaha. Ngga cukup disitu aja nih, tiba2 si Keisha siang2 SMS, "Cip! Kris Allen menang!" DAMN ITTTT. Yasudahlah ya, runyamlah surprise gue for the day. I watched it anyway, coz i wanna see Jorge Nunez ! hahahahahaha :D:D:D:D and Michael something, and the whole gang! :D
Ternyata meskipun gue udah tau siapa yg menang gue tetep enjoy aja tuh ngeliat finalenya :D Kangen deh ngeliat Jorge, seneng banget gue ngliatin dia, haha. Dia tuh selalu senyum gituuuu lucu bangett :3 terus kalo terlalu emosional he forgots his English and starts to speak in Spanish! how cute ♥ emang orang Puerto Rico juga sih jadi wajar kalo ngomong Spannish, hahaha. All and all, it was a great show, especially pas sesi American Idol Awards pas Tattianna & Bikini Girl naik ke panggung, beuh! Very2 interesting, and entertaining, hahaha ;)

2. *has no good title for this one*
Hmmmm yg ini...sebenernya lebih ngga penting dari yg pertamaa, hehe, but since i promised one of my bestfriend to write this i wrote it down anyway, hehe.

So let me tell u from the veeeery beginning ;)
I have this friend, i met him online. He added me first, and turns out he's really friendly, and not in a creepy way, just...the right amount :) His name is Michael and he's an 18 year old Puerto Rican. We hit it off real quick, and one thing led to another and now he's one of my best :D Anyways, Mike is very very nice to me. He cared about me, and he opens up to me, and i really respect that, and i feel honored that he trusts me enough :) And he's really goofy at times too, he's just a fun guy to be with :D

And then one day something happened, its not a bad thing, but im not gonna type it here either, hehe. Main thing is our relationship is kinda different now..better, if that's possible ;) he occasionally gives me that...small, simple attention that's really sweet, like a simple "Good morning sweety!" and such :) the kind of attention that would make any girl's day goes brighter in an instant :D he sent messages that only said "Aku suka kamu ;) have a great day!" or "i miss you..:(" One time he even talked to my friends (who also know him, duh) just to tell me to go online, and what does he do when i went online? he only said "I dont think i'll be able to go online later, so i just want to say ASK (aku suka kamu) now in case i dont get to talk to you later :) have a good nite sleep! TQM!" (Te quiero mucho, which is roughly the same as ASK)

Aint that sweet? (guys, u should learn from this guy! hahaha)

One time, he even gave me...well, not a poem, but sort of, that goes like this (its in Spanish) :

Tu sonrisa me hace sonreir,
Tu mirada me hace sonreir,
Te cara me hace sonreir,
pero tu voz me hace feliz ;)

tus ojos son como dos perlas luminosas que atraviesan mi cuerpo y ven mas alla, sin importar que esos ojos sean tan solo un retrato de la hermosa realidad.

which roughly translates to:

Your smile makes me smile,
Your eyes make me smile,
Our face makes me smile,

but your voice makes me happy;)

your eyes are like two bright pearls running through my body and see beyond, no matter what those eyes are just a beautiful portrait of reality.

.....after reading that, I'm speechless. Like, i melted instantly! I mean, what girl doesnt want to be treated like that? What did I do to deserve someone as *almost* perfect as Mike? I feel really really really lucky to have met him, and also his friends which added me later on one by one, and vice versa! hehehe :p Really guys, if any of you are reading this, you should seriously learn from Mike ;)

And also, last saturday he greeted me like 'hola mi amor' :3 and before he went off he added "Love you^^" :D :D :D :D After a couple of weeks without talking to each other, he went and said that?? That..i have to give him props for that! And it was like...5.30AM my time! I was smiling the whole day through :) :) :)

Now, dont ask me what relationship i have with him, coz as far as I know we're just friends..hehehe

So..thats it! Fika, this one's for you ! Udah kutulis semua yaaa, skrg km tau kan hehehe ;) enjoy..haha!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Unforgetable Birthday Party....

lalalaaaa males ah nge post pake bahasa Inggris, mending gue pake b.Ind aja yah hehe :D :D lagian udah jam....1.20 AM otak gue mana mudeng suruh mikir bahasa inggris, hahaha

So anyways ! Selasa mlm kmrn, yaituuuu tanggal 12 Mei, gue dtg ke acara ulang tahunnya Dira & Koto di Brewww! Kemang. Acaranya mulai dari jam 7pm-onward :D it was fun! banyak banget nyet yg dtg, haha. gue sendiri dtg bareng Dila, Tika. Kita berangkat jam setengah 7 dari rumah (yg btw di Cinere :p) terus ternyata macet kan sampe antasari, biasalah jam2 sgitu...terus selama perjalanan si Tika udah memohon2 ada warung yg jualan Cheetos keju, hahaha, kasiaaaan :( Dila juga udah kedinginan sendiri gitu, mungkin karena bahan baju dia yg super adem dan emang lebih tipis dibandingin gue sama Tika, plus dia ngga pake legging/bicycle pants/etc. Malah sepertinya tambah parah sakitnya di ultah Dira-Koto :( :( sedangkan gue sendiri, udah emosi sendiri gitu sama taksi kurang ajar dan U-turn yang tak kunjung datang... haha, alhasil kita sampe di Brewww! jam 8 dengan suksesnya :p :p

Pas jalan mau masuk Brewww! kita ketemu sama Catherine di parkiran, haha, sedih banget, dia udah pulang kita baru dtg!

Lanjut. Acaranya meriah, band kakaknya Koto dan bandnya Koto manggung gitu, seru lah :D ditambah karaokeannya Faqih which was.....very very entertaining to say the least, hahahahaha! Oiya si Faqih juga berhasil dikerjain sama Afira dkk, hahahaha! jadi ada gelas gitu kan, isinya air putih biasa, tapi karena model gelasnya itu yg biasa utk liquor jadi kita bilang ke Faqih itu isinya Whiskey, dan dia percaya ! hahahaha, kita paksain Faqih supaya minum gitu kan, seteguuk aja, terus si Faqih yaaaaaa lo tau lah Faqih gimana kalo digituin, yg komatkamit gitulah yaaa. hahaha. Terus akhirnya FAQIH MINUM JUGA ! :D :D :D tapi dibacain Al-Fatihah dulu ! hahahahaha ck ck ck ck ck padahal jelas2 itu bukan Whiskey secara ngga ada bau alkoholnya sama sekali ya Qih ya tolong dehh, haha, ur so gullible, so naive :D Pas dia sadar bahwa itu cuma air putih biasa dia ngamuk! haha, dan kita pun tertawa lepas karena kepolosannya. He's truly an entertainment :D hahahaha!

Btw, Jessi & Idhan won Best Dress!! :D :D

Nah, waktunya pulang, dan tiba2 bencana pun melanda D:
Gue lagi mau mundurin mobil gitu kan, mau keluar parkiran nih ceritanya. Udah dikasih aba2 sama tukang parkirnya, tapi terus entah mengapa pas disuruh berenti gue ngga berenti. terus GUE NABRAK ! anjir. anjir. anjir. anjirrrr. Panik lah gue. Gue pun turun dari mobil kan, terus ternyata gue nabrak mobil orang !! Bumper-nya tu mobil sampe penyok gitu nyettt, parahhh. udah takut banget gt kan gue, gue ketemu lah sama supirnya, eh terus ketemu sama supir2 Alizhar, ternyata yg gue tabrak itu mobilnya Lele. yaah agak sedikit relieved sih gue karena orangnya masih gue kenal, coba kalo nggak, bisa berabe banget urusannya! Mobilnya Lele tuh sedan gitu kan, dan sepertinya gue ngga liat, secara udah jam 10.30 mlm,, hehehe. After alot (and i mean A LOT) of talk, khususnya para supir2 yg mengerumuni dan ngomong dengan logat Betawi, which I hate, karena nadanya galak2 banget kan, udah gitu sahut2an kayak org ngga punya manner, akhirnya diputuskanlah untuk mengganti rugi apabila tu mobil dibawa ke bengkel. Ajaibnya yah, tu bumper yg tadinya penyok tiba2 bener lagi (udah kayak ketok magic) dan tinggal retak2 cat gitu. sedangkan mobil gue.....yah, tidak terjadi apa2, hanya baret2 yang cukup parah di tempat tertutup. tapi ya pura2 tidak sadar saja :P :P hahaha. Selama diluar gue ditemenin sama Ais dan Naila (karena mereka nebeng gue) Koto juga turun sebentar dan menanyakan keadaan.. sebenernya ada Tika Dila juga tapi mereka di dlm mobil dan bantuin gue pake Ayat Qursi biar dimudahkan perkaranya :D haha, and it works! liat aja, si bumper dengan ajaibnya kembali ke bentuk semula.. hahahaha. Alhamdulillah Lele bilang gpp gitu, dan dia udah telpon bapaknya dan saya tidak disalahkan :D Alhamdulillah Ya Allah !!

Seharusnya sih keesokan harinya langsung diurusin, tapi blm ada kabar lagi dari Lele. yaah semoga cepet selesai deh, atau lebih bagus kalo dimaafkan, amin! hehe :D gila ni sebuah unforgetable birthday party bangetttt!

pokoknya Le, MAAF BANGETTTTTT yaampun Le, tulus nih gue dari hati..

maafin gue ya le dan om bapaknya lele... : |

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Busway I'm in ♥

Yesterday Tika, Naila, Keisha, Scilla, and I went to Gelanggang Samudra, Ancol. We gathered at Tika's place. When Naila, Scilla, and I arrived Keisha was already there and Tika was still curling inside her blanket, sleeping. Nice. haha, and it was like..7.40, supposedly we were going to hit the road at 8AM.

After alot of fooling around (and gossiping!) we finally hit the road at about...10.30AM :p we were dropped off at Ragunan busway shelter and then our journey/adventure starts from there! :D :D

here's the busway route we took: Ragunan-Halimun(change)-Matraman(transit)-Ancol

Sadly, it rained when we were on the way to Ancol. It rained very very heavily, plus the wind was blowing, and all of us were wearing shorts because we were expecting a nice sunny weather, hahaha, we were soaking wet by the time we wait for the Ancol bus (or as we like to call it, the "We Drive You", hahaha) because we only have 2 small umbrellas while there were 5 of us, so it was kinda cold :p Later, the bus finally arrived and we asked to drive us to Gelanggang Samudra. After we arrive at the Gelanggang Samudra, we walked to the entrance (which was quite far, need i remind you that we only have 2 small umbrellas with 3 humans and 2 giants? :P) to buy us some tickets.

The 1st attraction we saw was ...umm, i dont know what its called, but its a wildlife show thingy, haha, its like some wild animals doing what humans do. We saw otters, honey bear, and hippos :) it was really cute, really. Especially the otters :3 :3 they were smart too! i wonder how long it takes to train them like that....hmmmmm.
Anyway! that was very entertaining, and we (Tika, Naila, and I) took pictures with the hippo at the end :D hahaha! Scilla was the one who took the picture while keisha doesnt want to take a picture :(

After that, we ate lunch. we all had meatballs, well, except Tika, hehe. It was nice :) we ate something hot in the middle of a cold rainy day :) With a full stomach, we march onto the next show, which was a Dolphin & Beluga Show !! :D :D the place was big :) and the show was amazing! haha, and I GOT KISSED (and sprayed) BY A BELUGA !! ♥ ♥ ♥ i was very happy *and very wet* after the show. But thankfully it stopped raining so i can dry myself :p hahaha. we took pictures (lots and lots and LOTS of pictures) and went to see 4D show, hahaha. And it was F-R-E-E-Z-I-N-G !! because i was still kinda wet, (well, my clothes at least) thanks to that Beluga, and the water was semi-freezing too, seeing as how belugas lives in the Alaskan sea :s hehehe

After watching 4D, we went to Pizza Hut :) and then we went home!and that's when the fun begins!! :D :D
At the Ancol busway shelter I saw these 3 guys, rite, and turns out they took the same route as ours! (atleast until Halimun) The busway trip back was jam-packed! we went in with these 3 guys, and because it was so full I got seperated from the rest of my group :( but 2 of the 3 guys were standing infront of me and next to me :D :D (what a handsome sight that was :p :p) later, the guy infront of me, lets call him 'orange pants', talked to me!

OP: Eh..boleh nanya ngga?
C: *tilts head, he's tall!* boleh,
OP: Busway...tutup jam brp ya?
C: wah ngga tau juga, kenapa?
OP: ohh..jam 9, masih buka?
C: kalo jam sgitu mah masih, lewat malah *grins*
OP: okay, thankyou ya *grins*

and he has the most wonderful smile :3 hahaha! turns out they're from Medan, haha. Sadly we part ways at Halimun :p we went to Ragunan and they went to Blok M.. :(

  • Yesterday was SUPER AWESOME
  • Its an unforgettable adventure
  • Its a blog-worthy experience
  • MEDAN BOYS ARE HOT !! hahaha :p

Sunday, May 10, 2009


ColorQuiz.comCipo took the free personality test!

""Has a strong desire for the finer things of life...."

Click here to read the rest of the results.

hehehehehe :D and you know what? It's all true ! you should try it ;)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Weekly updates :D

Heey !

its been..4 days, i think, since i last wrote on this blog. its not that i
dont want to, but i just havent got the time, hehe. SO! updates ! :D

Monday, May 4th

Went to try this Pilates thingy. My friend and I went to
Stott Pilates thats located at Kemang. i never tried pilates before, so it was kinda weird for me at first. turns out the movements were..........slow. VERY slow. which made it alot harder. guess that's why pilates has succesfully made our muscles tighter, hahaha!

At first, we had to sit with our legs crossed and adjust our backs. like, literally straightening them up, and then we did some breathing exercises. and whew were they hard to do! the 1s
t kind is you have to take a really deep breath, but dont let your stomach expand or your shoulders rise. and i was like...'how the hell can i do that?' coz logically, if you breath in air, your stomach will bloat, rite? at least it'll expand a that alone was a bit hard for me to do, but i managed to get it right. Yay! :D and there's also a specific way to exhale afterwards, haha.

after the 1st bre
athing technique, we lay on our backs on the mattres, put one of our leg up until our thigh and our stomach makes a rough 90 degree angle, and you do the breathing thing again. after that, you put another leg up, and do more breathing. after that, you have to lay your neck on the mattres and look to our knees. then you have to rise up abit and then do more breathing. and i have to say, that was HARD WORK!

It doesnt finish there, we got onto the equipments and we did some leg stretching thingies, i cant really explain it in words, but i have to say, ts fun working with those equipments, and i dont know about Naila, but i like the stuff we did using that equipment, it was fun :D hahhaa, and i dont feel a thing! (probably because I run up and down stairs on daily basis, :p)

So anyways, after the pilates we ate some sandwhiches, i ordered a tuna sandwich while Naila ordered smoked beef, and 2 portions of that ! hahaha, she was hungry alrite! :p

Tuesday, May 5th

hmm....i dont think there's anything significant to tell on this day. On to the next day ! Vamos!

Wednesday, May 6th

This day, whew, i didnt feel good. at all. I was brooding all day :s honestly, i dont like it when i act that way,
but i cant help it! there was something off that day, and im the type of person who bottle up their thats why when i'm mad, i became more quiet, and anti-social :( i tried opening up to my friends and laugh it off, kinda works, but everytime i wasnt talking, i remembered why i was upset in the 1st place, so then i was brooding again :s and that's not good, not good at all. The problem i had (or i've been having, to be exact) was that i have this friend who suddenly doesnt talk to me anymore. i hardly get to talk to him. and when I do, it was because i couldnt sleep one night and i stayed up til the morning, only then i caught him online. And, i think i was paranoid, or was it the PMS kicking in, or maybe both i dont know, but i feel...distant to him. it wasnt how it was, and i miss the old conversation we've had..and i feel like he's been avoiding me, for some unknown reason. and it sucks! it really does :( why cant he be a man and tell me off if he doesnt like the way i do the things i do, damn it!
guys. you think you know em, but u dont. huh.

Thursday, May 7th

Wishing you all the veryveryveryveryvery best !
ditunggu traktirannya :p

I was feel
ing better than the day before, but still brooding a bit. I started to accept things the way they are and just learn to cope with it :) but everything is starting to look up again :D
I changed my perspective on the problem, and now, i just go with the flow, hahaha! but im still kinda curious why my friend
'dumps' me like that...hmmmmmmmmm.

and also, i cried :'(
because my father, whom i havent seen in months, finally came back, but only for a minute. literally! he came home, went in at about 22.30PM, called me to come downstairs and we met infront of the door. he's still wearing his shoes, he just dropped some things for me, took his car keys, hugged me, and left. and that was it, i was left home alone once more. Usually i'm okay with that, but not this night, this night i ran upstairs, look at myself in front of the mirror (because i was going to wash my face and brush my teeth) for a while, and cry silently. i was looking at myself crying, huh, that's a first. And i guess that cry was a result of the pent up emotions i've kept inside, plus the fact that my father cant stay long enough for me to say 'i miss u, dad!'.

anyways, POSITIVITY~!

Today, May 8th
I'm feeling AWESOME today! Yeaaahh !! :D :D totally forgot about my problem, finally shrug it off and chalk it down as my fault for whatever reason. hahahaha, i think i needed that good cry :)

today i had pilates again. it was SO F*N HARD TO DO! my body was shaking the whole routine, i couldnt keep my legs up when doing the table-top position, plus my back keeps slouching down when it should've been straight :s and you know what? that's the easy part. nice D':

Oh yeah! last night i had a totally weird dream. All i remember is:
My friends and I went to some holiday trip, i think it was to Japan. And we were having so much fun and stuff. And then we went into our cottage, we were going to stay there for 10 days. But somehow, the receptionist told us that we cant stay there for more than a week, because the cottage was already booked for next week. My friends didnt know because they were inside the cottage already. But i noticed, and guess who was booking the cottage?
Michael D Vazquez
And the last thing i remember, in that dream, i was thinking "why is this guy following me??"
then i woke up. I think in that dream i dont know who he is. but honestly, out of all people who could've been in my dream, why him? why Michael for God's sake??
Okay, for those who dont know Michael, he's my friend from Puerto Rico. He's 18, annoying and he should go to hell.


He's really really friendly and he's crazy, hahaha, and i like him :D

Its actually the 2nd time i had a dream about him. the 1st one was even weirder! it's one of those short dreams that you have when you just drifted to sleep, and all i remember is this one, seriously freaky, scene:
I was sleeping while hugging a pillow, and suddenly somebody woke me up. I started to feel around for my glasses, but i couldnt find it. Then i distinctly heard a voice said "let me help u find it". its a male voice. I said okay, but then i remembered that i put it on the night stand. So i rolled over to take it, but i accidentally bumped onto someone thats also on my bed, sleeping next to me. and it was Michael ! Surprisingly, after that i took his hand and intertwined it with mine and wrapped them to my side then went back to sleep. The glasses forgotten.
and when i woke up, my position was exactly the same as the one in my dream. And i thought "this is SERIOUSLY messed up."

So! All the updates are done! :D thanks for reading, hehe, and feel free to comment!

C ya!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Midnight fwends :)

Hello again!

it's really Sunday now :p
it's 4.50AM, i just finshed praying, and i still cant sleep. haha

so in this random moment i decided to post again! (y'know, new blogger syndrome)
hmm. lets see...started the day waaaaaaay early, cause i havent sleep, haha. and then chatted with Fathin, Valerie, and Rene for a while. My mood was totally down since yesterday, because of...well, see my earlier post.

At 3 AM i decided to pray Tahajud, i pray that my gut feeling was a false alarm, that it was really the opposite of what i'm feeling. Not long after i finish, God answered my prayer !! :D i was very very happy! and that made me more energetic, more hyper, and more awake. -_____-

Anyways, my mood went uphill since then :) not only did i made a couple of new friends, but God directly answered my prayer not 10 minutes after I pray!

Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou God !

Talking with Valerie and Rene was fun :) it's fun because:
  1. I have new friends !
  2. They're really really nice !
  3. Rene doesn't speak any english !
Now, the 3rd one, I know you're wondering, why is that fun?
Well, its fun because its so funny to talk to him :p he literally uses Google translate to talk to me! haha, that's really nice of him, especially because i reply him with English, meaning he has to translate my answer to reply them, hahaha. But don't get it wrong, i feel sorry for him too, so i ask Valarie to translate some words to Spanish so Rene understands :)

It roughly went like this:
Rene: :)
Cipo (me): hey !
C: como estas? (see, i know a bit of Spanish!)
R: baik :) (this is so Google's fault, lol)
R: Mu? Haha (i think he meant 'kamu')
C: Muy bien! :D
C: Que haces? (=what r u doing?, thanks to Valerie for this one (; )
R: Displaying videos (he meant watching videos, haha)
¿dónde está Michael? (=where's Michael?, thanks to Google of course (; )
C: I want to ask Mike to translate some things :)
R: *something in Spanish that means "He has Japanese class"*
R: I am waiting for him and then we are going to eat
C: Okay

After this, i went to pray Tahajud. Not long after i came back, Rene said "Is here". I was confused, so i asked "who?" But there was no reply from him. I was left all confused :s until suddenly he replied
R: why are you still awake at this hour??!!
R: At 3 AM
And i wondered..that's obviously not Rene, because, no offense, it's a little to good.
Not long after that, Mike came online, and that's when my mood turns 180 degrees! :D
I chat a bit with Mike, when suddenly Rene said "Mike is upset with you." and i was like, "why?"
and i confronted Mike rite then and there, i asked him
Cipo: Rene said you're upset with me, why?
Mike: Me??
C: Yeah he said you're upset with me
M: Why would i be upset with you?? hehe ^^
C: idk
M: well, i am upset with you, for being awake at this hour!! hehe
C: but i really cant sleep, besides, tommorrow is Sunday :)
...we kept on talking and talking.

And then Rene said something random (but sweet) :
"I like having Indonesia friend :) " and i didnt know what to reply, so i said "I like having Puerto Rico friend :)" hihi, it's never boring having friends like Rene, so full of surprises, hehe :D i wish all of them would someday go to Indonesia !

Why not I go to them, you ask? well, because going to Puerto Rico would be expensive because of the currency, but they can easily come here, rite ? ;p
All and all, it turned out to be an OK day, hehe, thanks to my midnite friends; Fathin, Valerie, Rene, and Michael ! :D I love you ♥ ♥

well, that's all folks ! its almost 6 AM and i'm getting sleepy..

C ya!

Crazy lil thing called like

wow, turns out i've posted a couple of things 2 years ago :s
that's a loooooooooong time, i forgot all about it, hahaha.
hey its 12:12 AM here (that's soo random)

anyways! today is Saturday (well not really, technically today is Sunday), and i didnt go anywhere! i'm stuck at home and i'm sooo bored. some of my friends went out, i wanted to come, but...oh well. So i did some school tasks instead, hehe. bla bla bla thats not important.

and this is what i got from staying at home with nothing to do for too long: i start to think. real hard.
See, i have this guy i'm close to, we talk alot, almost everyday even. but this past couple of days, we rarely talk, and..i dunno, i guess i have a story to tell him (a pointless one) but still a story! and i've tried my best to wait for him but he never showed :( and i...well, i guess i kinda miss him, y'know? But i it okay if i feel like this, coz he's just a friend..and i hate this feeling i'm having, its called having a crush, cip because everytime i have this feeling i change. drastically, and i dont like all :(

the tighter you hold on, the higher you'll get. and once you fall, it'll hurt much more.

Yep, that's my philosophy about liking someone. because when i like someone, i tend to hold on to them, as in, sorta became dependent of them. and if i fall, or in this case i cant hold on to them anymore, i fell so hard and it hurts so bad, so bad that i dont want to experience it again, but i did anyway. And it happened again, and again and again.
so now i figure, why dont i think of them as a friend, that way, even if i cant hold on to them anymore, it wouldn't hurt that bad, because i was never dependent to them in the first place, rite?


turns out, its not that easy. but my friend said that i just have to go with the flow, dont fight the feeling and it'll cease. She also said alot of other nice and meaningful, and true things, and she also said this:

...besides, you have us :) you have all of us, cip, your best friends. If anything happens to you we'll be there to help you :)

and that, my friends, is the most important thing. Because when your significant one cant bring you laughter anymore, when they stopped loving you the way they did before, and they wont listen to a word you're saying, you'll still have your best friends who'll bring that joy and laughter back, will love you for the way you are, and listen to you until your voice ran out.

I love you, my dear friends

Saturday, May 2, 2009


This is a thing i'm trying out.
Making a blog. Yep; blogging.
It's kinda weird to make this, coz i dont really write much,
But I dont want to forget all these memories when i'm waaaay older,
so.....yeah, that's the main reason for me to start this blogging thing.

...lets just hope i keep on posting, hahaha

Besides, seems like everyone is into blogging, so why not make mine?